Thursday, June 25, 2009

Introduction to Solar Power.

Solar power is the ability to derive energy from the sun via solar panels which convert the suns rays into electricity. Solar power is one of the reusable or "clean" energies available for use, others include hydro, wind, geothermal, and biomass. It allows society to harness energy with little to no impact on the environment, unlike other methods such as coal or fossil fuels which sap up the earth’s natural resources and seriously harm the habitat in which the resource is found. People are finding that using solar power not only benefits the environment, but it also has other benefits. People who live in sun rich areas, like Arizona, have found that by switching their main energy source from PG&E or their local standard energy provider, to solar power, their utility bills have reduced immensely. Although the cost of installing solar panels is expensive, it is an investment that will eventually pay itself off. With this said however, those who live in the northern areas of the United States, which receive less of a return with the use of solar power than those who live in the sunnier southern U.S, due to less sun exposure.
Solar power is a relatively new technology that continues to grow and in which new developments are still being made. This progress will hopefully allow society to shed its reliance on fossil fuels and expand the strength and availability of solar power.